Database & PLSQL
10 article(s) tagged with Database & PLSQL
How To Install Webutil on 10.1.2.x Oracle Application Server
The WebUtil version should match the version of Forms. For example, should use WebUtil which comes from the patch. However, Oracle recommends you be on and the latest bundled patch
How To Read From Barcode Reader in Oracle Form
Just connect the barcode reader to the PC and keep the cursor on the relevant field
How to send an email with multiple attachments using Outlook
The code given below will send an email with multiple attachments using Outlook.
How to send Email from Forms using Run_report_object and web.show_document
The instructions below create a simple Form that provide fields that can be used to send email.
Is Forms/Reports 6i Certified to Work Against Oracle Server 10g Rel 1, Rel 2 or 11gRel 1, Rel 2?
Forms / Reports development will no longer provide error correction service for Forms / Reports 6i (unless an organization has purchased extended maintenance support)
Master Note : How to Troubleshoot Errors FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 with Oracle Reports 10gR2 /
This document explains how to troubleshoot FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 errors when using Oracle Reports 10.1.2.x or Reports 11.1.1.x
Master Note for: Forms: 9.x and 10.x: Troubleshooting FRM-92050, FRM-921xx
To provide some troubleshooting hints/ tips and solutions to the generic FRM-92050, FRM-92100, FRM-92101, FRM-92102 errors e.g. which can occur when deploying an Oracle Forms application over the web.
Master Note For Known Causes of FRM-92101 Error In Forms 10gR2
This note provides the most famous and popular situations where the error "FRM-92101: There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup. " can be encountered.
ORA-12713 Running a Report on Unix Environment
When attempting to run a particular report on a Unix environment using NLS_LANG as CANADIAN FRENCH_CANADA.WE8ISO8859P1 in the following error occurs: ORA-12713,.
PDF Post Processing Plugin Destination - Concatenating PDF File and Applying Watermark to PDF Output
This pluggable destination provides the functionality to append a PDF file to Reports output. It also applies a watermark to the resulting file and assigns page numbers to the final file.