Master Note : How to Troubleshoot Errors FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 with Oracle Reports 10gR2 / 11g

Master Note : How to Troubleshoot Errors FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 with Oracle Reports 10gR2 /

Master Note : How to Troubleshoot Errors FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 with Oracle Reports 10gR2 /


Posted by Patrick Hamou on 2017:09:19 13:17:30

APPLIES TO: Oracle Reports Developer

Oracle Reports Developer - Version to [Release Oracle10g to 11g]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

PURPOSE Oracle Reports 10.1.2.x or Reports 11.1.1.x

This document explains how to troubleshoot FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 errors when using Oracle Reports 10.1.2.x or Reports 11.1.1.x

TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 errors Oracle Reports 10.1.2.x or Reports 11.1.1.x

1. Sanity Checks

1.1 Is the Reports Server started?

For tests, start the Reports server with the Reports Console Window:

  A DISPLAY is needed on UNIX

  Don't specify batch parameter or specify batch=no in the command line:

Operating System: Windows 

Command line: rwserver server=repserver [batch=no]

Operating System: UNIX

Command line: server=repserver [batch=no] &

The Reports Server Console Window looks like:

When the standalone Reports Server is configured through OPMN, the Reports Server status can be checked with the command:

opmnctl status

If the Reports Server cannot be started, activate the Reports Server trace:

Note 237301.1 Logging and Tracing in Reports 9.0.x / 10.1.2.x
Note 856664.1 Logging and Tracing in Reports 11g. A Quick Reference Guide

1.2 Do the "Reports Clients" and the "Reports Server" use the same "Reports Discovery Service" characteristics?

"Reports Clients" can be:


rwservlet (the Reports Servlet)

RUN_REPORT_OBJECT (the Oracle Forms built-in)

- Check that the same "Discovery Service" is used: multicast or namingservice

- Check that the same Channel / Host and Port number are used 

In 10.1.2.x , by default, The Reports Server and the Reports Clients will use the file ORACLE_HOME\reports\conf\rwnetwork.conf.

In 11g, the location of rwnetwork.conf has changed :

·         Note 1083666.1 Location Of Different Reports Configuration Files in Fusion Middleware Forms and Reports and Installations

·         Oracle Fusion Middleware Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle Reports Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
8.1 Oracle Reports Services Configuration Files

It is possible to use another "Discovery Service Configuration File":

Reports Server : tag networkConfig in the "Reports Server Configuration File":

Reports Servlet: Attribute REPORTS_NETWORK_CONFIG in the "Reports Servlet Configuration file" (


Reports Clients (rwclient / RUN_REPORT_OBJECT): environment variable REPORTS_NETWORK_CONFIG:

Example on Windows:

set REPORTS_NETWORK_CONFIG=rwnetwork2.conf
rwclient server=repserver report=test destype=cache desformat=HTML

Example on UNIX:

export REPORTS_NETWORK_CONFIG=rwnetwork2.conf server=repserver report=test destype=cache desformat=HTML

Step 1: Find the "Discovery Service Configuration File" used by the Reports Server / Reports Client
Step 2: Compare the characteristics of the Discovery Service configured in the "Discovery Service Configuration File"

If you want to copy the file rwnetwork.conf in order to be sure to use the same configuration on "clients" and "server", take care to update the rwserverconf.dtd file path :

Note 458347.1 Reports Server Configuration File Changes Are Not Taken Into Account The File Is Overwritten Silently:


1.3 Is the file rwnetwork.conf correct?

If an error exists in the file rwnetwork.conf, a log is generated in ORACLE_HOME\reports\log\rwnetwork.log

=> Check if a file rwnetwork.log exists in ORACLE_HOME\reports\log

If it exists, check the error and fix the file rwnetwork.conf.

Example of error reported in rwnetwork.conf:

Exception logged at :Tue Oct 02 13:17:34 CEST 2007 
XML Parse exception :End tag does not match start tag 'multicast'. 
At Line :6 :Column :19 
XML Parse exception :Unexpected EOF. 
At Line :7 :Column :1 
---------- End Of message -----------

Note 369557.1 How to resolve java exceptions when using "rwdiag" with COS naming service?

The utility rwdiag can be used to check the validity of the file rwnetwork.conf. An exception will be returned if the file rwnetwork.conf is not correct.

Example :

D:\oracle\ods1012\BIN>rwdiag -findall
Exception in thread "main" oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
at oracle.reports.utility.Utility.newRWException(
at oracle.reports.utility.Utility.newRWException(
at oracle.reports.utility.DiagServerLocator.readConfigFile(
at oracle.reports.utility.DiagServerLocator.init(
at oracle.reports.utility.DiagServerLocator.locateServer(
at oracle.reports.utility.DiagServerLocator.handleRequest(
at oracle.reports.utility.DiagServerLocator.main(

When the file rwnetwork.conf is correct, rwdiag will display:

the "Discovery Service" used: multicast (Broadcast mechanism) or namingservice

the "Discovery Service" characteristics



D:\oracle\ods1012\BIN>rwdiag -findall

Broadcast mechanism used to locate servers
Channel address =
Channel port = 14022

REP-50503 No server found in the network


D:\oracle\ods1012\BIN>rwdiag -findall 

Naming service used to locate servers 
Naming Server host = 
Naming Server port = 14022 

REP-50503 No server found in the network 

2. Is the problem permanent or intermittent?

2.1 Permanent problem

Does the problem occur for ALL the Reports clients (rwclient, rwservlet, and RUN_REPORT_OBJECT) or only for one (RUN_REPORT_OBJECT, for example)

2.1.1 The problem occurs for all the "Reports Clients"

Check if the problem occurs for both "Discovery Service" ? (Multicast and Namingservice)

Note 337619.1 How to Switch Between Multicast and NamingService in Reports 10.1.2

2.1.2 The problem occurs only for some "Reports Clients"

Use the following notes to generate a trace:


Note 291955.1 Diagnosis Test Form For Easy Debugging of FRM-41213 Error (9.0.x - 10.1.2)
Note 880823.1 Diagnosis Test Form for Easy Debugging of FRM-41213 Error (11g)

rwclient / rwservlet

Unpublished Note 456859.1 : Interactions Between Report Server/Clients and NamingService How to Generate a trace.


The above note has limited distribution due to low level tracing. Requires request to Oracle Support to have contents made available

2.1.3 The Reports Server is "found" by rwdiag but not by the "Reports Clients"

Note 436465.1 rwclient fails with REP-178 even if the Reports server is found by rwdiag -findall

2.1.4 Is a firewall configured?

Note 415407.1 REP-51002 when Accessing Reports Server, but it is up and Ready per Trace Files

2.1.5 On UNIX, Check the Library PATH

The directory $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 must appear before $ORACLE_HOME/lib in the "Library PATH"


Environment Variable: LIBPATH


Environment Variable: SHLIB_PATH

OS: Linux, Solaris, and Tru64 UNIX

Environment Variable: LD_LIBRARY_PATH

2.1.6 Set the JVM property "" to "true" for the "Reports Client JVM"

This JVM property can be set by using the environment variable _JAVA_OPTIONS (Sun , Linux, Windows) or IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS (AIX)

Examples (Sun , Linux, Windows) :


Example (AIX)


For Oracle Forms / Builtin RUN_REPORT_OBJECT, set this variable in the envFile.

2.2 Intermittent problem

2.2.1- Multicast

Intermittent problem with multicast may be related to the timeout value set in the "Discovery Service Configuration File"

- Use rwdiag with the option monitor in order to log all the packets send on the "Multicast channel"

D:\oracle\ods1012\BIN>rwdiag -monitor

Broadcast mechanism used to locate servers
Channel address =
Channel port = 14022

Request Packet -
ServerName = repserver
CorrelationID = 1191838995183
SenderID = client
Duplicate = false
Type = FULL
------------- **** ---------------
Response Packet -
ServerName = repserver
CorrelationID = 1191838995183
SenderID = ServerName: repserverVMID: 121bbbd17e7cfe80:19d75ee:1157ef932d7:
Duplicate = false
Type = FULL
Add. Info = Type = server : Host =
------------- **** ---------------

Check if a "Response Packet" is returned after the "Request Packet"

- Increase the timeout value 

2.2.2 Naming Service

If the namingservice is used, check if it does not crash sometimes
(In case of crash, it is automatically restarted but during a small duration,
FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 may be returned)

- The namingservice can be "integrated" in opmn . It will be restarted automatically if it crashes.
Note 367567.1 How To Integrate Naming Service With OPMN?

Who to contact for more information?

Further Information can be obtained by contacting Product Management, or Oracle Support.

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