In Form Fndscaus, LOV Fails with FRM-40735 for Person if No Valid Person Is Queried

In Form Fndscaus, LOV Fails with FRM-40735 for Person if No Valid Person Is Queried

In Form Fndscaus, LOV Fails with FRM-40735 for Person if No Valid Person Is Queried


Posted by RENAPS DBA Team on 2024:06:18 23:14:42

Oracle Forms - Applies to Oracle Application Object Library - Version 11.5.2 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1]

Les informations dans ce document s'appliquent à toute plateforme. Ce problème peut se produire sur n'importe quelle plateforme.

Oracle Forms - Symptoms

In the FNDSCAUS (define user) form, in the person field, insert %xyz% and an error message is generated.


FRM-40735: ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-01001.


The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  • Log in to sysadmin responsibility
  • Go to Security->User->Define
  • Query any user. Go to Person field and put some name, like %xyz%
  • Click Cntrl+L to get list of values, the error is generated with the FRM-40735 : ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled condition ORA-01001 error in bottom of form.
  • Get another popup with more detailed hostdef error.
  • Then popup with ora-01001 error
  • Then popup with frm-92100 error, which kicks user out of form.


This issue is caused by database initialization parameters not being set.

The following parameters were not set in the database environment:



To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Set the following parameters in the database init.ora file:

system_trig_enabled = true
_sort_elimination_cost_ratio = 5
_like_with_bind_as_equality = TRUE
_fast_full_scan_enabled = FALSE
_sqlexec_progression_cost = 2147483647

2. Retest the issue.:

3. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments:

Oracle Forms Upgrade: Automate your Oracle Forms Upgrade process with ORMIT™-Forms

ORMIT™-Forms automates every Oracle Forms Upgrade from all earlier versions to the latest versions.

ORMIT™-Forms guarantees the overall success of your Oracle Forms Upgrade with an emphasis on efficiency, cost and time savings, eliminating any potential risk. The automated process is extremely fast and secure. It automates a large quantity of actions while eliminating the guess work associated with manual upgrades. ORMIT™-Forms also minimizes downtime and identifies manual tasks that require DBA action.

Posted by RENAPS DBA Team on 2024:06:18 23:14:42

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