OPSS the /tmp folder is Filling Up With several Component_event.xlf*.jar Files

OPSS the /tmp folder is Filling Up With several Component_event.xlf*.jar Files

OPSS the /tmp folder is Filling Up With several Component_event.xlf*.jar Files


Posted by Patrick Hamou on 2017:09:19 18:02:14

APPLIES TO: Oracle Platform Security for Java

Oracle Platform Security for Java - Version All and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

SYMPTOMS: /tmp folder FMW EM console

The /tmp folder is filling up with component_event.xlf*.jar files whenever access the FMW EM console

CHANGES: Environment FMW 12.2.1

 Environment FMW 12.2.1 configured to use External OID LDAP

CAUSE: Audit configuration jps-config.xml file

In this case there were several instances for Audit services declared in the configuration jps-config.xml file
i.e: "audit" & "audit.db" & "audit.ldap" instances for "audit.provider"

The only audit effectively used is:
<serviceInstanceRef ref="audit.ldap"/>

which is present in jpsContexts section

In general the temp files are usually created by run-time processes to have some temporal cache data available,
And the wrong audit settings in jps configuration file, triggered the creation temp files.


In order to disable all audit activities, remove <serviceInstanceRef ref="audit.ldap"/> line:
Stop domain, edit and modify the jps-config.xml as follow:

<jpsContexts default="default">
<jpsContext name="default">
<serviceInstanceRef ref="credstore.ldap"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="keystore.ldap"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="policystore.ldap"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="audit.ldap"/> ====>>> remove this line
<serviceInstanceRef ref="trust"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="pdp.service"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="attribute"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.ldap"/>

Additionally review the audit context in in the jps-config-jse.xml:

<jpsContext name="default">
<serviceInstanceRef ref="credstore.db"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="keystore.db"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="policystore.db"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="audit.db"/> ====>>> remove this line
<serviceInstanceRef ref="trust"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="pdp.service"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="attribute"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.xml"/>
<serviceInstanceRef ref="idstore.loginmodule"/>

Save changes restart

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