What are the best practices to adopt after migrating Oracle Reports to Jasper Reports ?

What are the best practices to adopt after migrating Oracle Reports to Jasper Reports?

What are the best practices to adopt after migrating Oracle Reports to Jasper Reports?

In this article, we’ll explore key best practices anyone should keep in mind when they begin using JasperReports after performing an Oracle Reports to Jasper Reports Migration


Posted by RENAPS Dev Team on 2024:06:05 23:56:41

What is JasperReports?

JasperReports is a powerful tool for creating professional and interactive reports. To maximize its capabilities, it's crucial to follow best practices that enhance performance, maintainability, and usability. In this article, we’ll explore key best practices anyone should keep in mind when they begin using JasperReports after performing an Oracle Reports to Jasper Reports Migration with the help of RENAPS’ Jasper Reports Migration tool ORMIT™-Jasper designed to facilitate a smooth automated migration from Oracle Reports to JasperReports.

Oracle Reports to Jasper Reports Migration with ORMIT™-Jasper: simple and efficient.

Migrating from Oracle Reports to JasperReports can be a very challenging task. RENAPS' ORMIT™-Jasper tool automates this process, ensuring a seamless transition. ORMIT™-Jasper handles the complexities of data mapping, layout conversion, and testing, allowing you to focus on optimizing your new JasperReports environment. Learning more about current Jasper Reports best practices is useful to get better at developing efficient and powerful reports alongside your newly migrated reports.

Jasper Reports: 16 Design and Performance Best Practices For An Optimal Use

Design Best Practices

1. Optimize SQL Queries

Efficient SQL queries reduce the load on your database and improve report performance.

For instance, using the SELECT * statement can slow down query performance as it returns all columns in a table, including those that are not needed by our query. In order to optimize SQL queries, it is very important to only select the columns that are needed for the query. For example:

SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE cond1 =2;

Should be changed to:

SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM table1 WHERE cond1 =2;

Also using indexed columns helps get a better SELECT query performance.

2. Leverage Templates

Templates ensure consistency across reports and save development time. Create a set of standard templates for common elements like headers, footers, and styles. For more information on using templates within Jasper Reports, see this video:

3. Parameterize Reports

Using parameters allows you to create dynamic and reusable reports. Parameters enable users to filter data at runtime, making reports more versatile and reducing the need for multiple static reports.

Performance Best Practices

4. Use Lazy Loading

Lazy loading defers the loading of non-critical data until it's needed, improving initial load times and overall performance.

Lazy loading is an optimization technique used in programming and web development to defer the initialization or loading of resources or data until they are actually needed. This approach helps to reduce the initial load time and enhance the performance of applications by avoiding the processing of unnecessary data at the start.

5. Pagination

Break down large reports into smaller, manageable pages. This not only enhances performance but also makes the reports easier to navigate.

6. Memory Management

Monitor and manage memory usage carefully. Adjust JVM settings to allocate sufficient memory for large reports and optimize report parameters to limit data volume.

7. Efficient Resource Management

Reuse report elements and resources like images and styles across multiple reports to save memory and improve performance.

Maintainability Best Practices

8. Clear and Consistent Naming Conventions

Use meaningful and consistent names for fields, parameters, and variables. This practice enhances readability and maintainability.

9. Modularize Report Components

Break down large reports into smaller, reusable components. This approach simplifies maintenance and updates.

10. Version Control

Implement version control for your reports to track changes and manage updates effectively. Tools like Git can help maintain a history of modifications and facilitate collaboration.

11. Documentation

Document your reports thoroughly. Include details about data sources, parameters, and any customizations. Good documentation aids in future maintenance and knowledge transfer.

User Experience Best Practices

12. Interactive Elements

Document your reports thoroughly. Include details about data sources, parameters, and any customizations. Good documentation aids in future maintenance and knowledge transfer.

13. Responsive Design

Ensure that your reports are responsive and display well on various devices and screen sizes. Test reports on different platforms to ensure compatibility.

14. Consistent Styling

Maintain consistent styling across all reports. Use a centralized style sheet or template to ensure a uniform look and feel, enhancing the user experience.

Integration and Extensibility

15. API Integration

Utilize JasperReports' extensive APIs to integrate with other systems and applications. This enables automated report generation and distribution, streamlining workflows. 16. Plugin Support Take advantage of JasperReports' plugin architecture to extend its functionality. Custom plugins can address specific business requirements and enhance the tool’s capabilities.

16. Plugin Support

Take advantage of JasperReports' plugin architecture to extend its functionality. Custom plugins can address specific business requirements and enhance the tool’s capabilities.

Jasper Reports: Final Thoughts

While leveraging tools like ORMIT™-Jasper for migration ensures a smooth transition, allowing you to fully capitalize on the advanced features of JasperReports, RENAPS ensures that all recommended Jasper best practices are duly followed during the migration. We strongly recommend adopting these best practices for your JasperReports maintenance going forward to help you create efficient, maintainable, and user-friendly reports. By following these guidelines, you can optimize your reporting solutions and drive better business insights.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Jaspersoft Community Knowledge Base and the RENAPS blog.

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