Oracle Reports Developer
10 article(s) tagged with Oracle Reports Developer
Master Note : How to Troubleshoot Errors FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 with Oracle Reports 10gR2 /
This document explains how to troubleshoot FRM-41213 / REP-51002 / REP-178 errors when using Oracle Reports 10.1.2.x or Reports 11.1.1.x
New Jobs Do Not Get Listed In The Showjobs Page
When accessing http://host:port/reports/rwservlet/showjobs?server=RptSvr_host_asinst_1 Only old jobs are shown, from days ago but not the recent launched ones.
ORA-12713 Running a Report on Unix Environment
When attempting to run a particular report on a Unix environment using NLS_LANG as CANADIAN FRENCH_CANADA.WE8ISO8859P1 in the following error occurs: ORA-12713,.
PDF Post Processing Plugin Destination - Concatenating PDF File and Applying Watermark to PDF Output
This pluggable destination provides the functionality to append a PDF file to Reports output. It also applies a watermark to the resulting file and assigns page numbers to the final file.
Quick Reference to Building a Paper Report with a Barcode JavaBean
This Note is a Quick Reference to build a Paper Report with a Barcode JavaBean.
REP-50125 when spaces exist at the end of the username and password strings passed to the userid par
Ensure there are no trailing spaces in the username and password strings passed to userid parameter when submitting the report.
REP-56093: Cached Output For Job <###> Is No Longer Valid Running Large Report
Running a report with large data output, fails with error after what seems to be a long time period. When limiting the data output to a smaller amount of data, the error does not occur.
Reports 12c ( Relevant Notes and Links Index
The goal of this document is to consolidate relevant notes and links for the Reports 12c Release
Reports on Windows Ignores TNS_ADMIN Value if set other than ORACLE_INSTANCE\config
When attempting to Configure TNS_ADMIN other than ORACLE_INSTANCE\config directory the following error occurs: REP-501 UNABLE TO CONNECT TO SPECIFIED DATABASE ORA-12154 TNS:COULD NOT RESOLVE THE CONNECT IDENTIFIER SPECIFIED
Running Report Using Rwservlet And Passing A Key From “cgicmd.dat” File Returns Error “REP-520
Entries within the cgicmd.dat file are missing blank lines after each key and at the end of the file.